One to one sessions for groups or individual members of staff at schools or settings, CSAWS provides dedicated supervision time with a occupationally competent supervisor. This includes:
Clear CSAWS Supervision Policy, with practice that adheres to and supports the policy
Written Supervision Agreement
Planned and well-structured Supervision session
Held in an appropriate place and free of interruption
Properly and promptly recorded by CSAWS
CSAWS Supervision for Designated Safeguarding Leads and/or Designated Person for Child Protection in Schools
The importance of Supervision for staff who work with children and families where there are Child Protection or Safeguarding concerns is stated clearly in both the national legislative framework and the findings from Serious Case Reviews.
Findings from Serious Case Reviews into child deaths repeatedly emphasise the importance of Professional Supervision. Recommendation 45 of Lord Laming’s 2003 report into the death of Victoria Climbié stated that all staff working with children should undergo regular supervision.
CSAWS Supervision for Designated Safeguarding Leads will:
Develop good practice and ensure decisions are based on sound evidence and assessment of risk
Provide support to supervisees, recognising the emotional impact of frontline child protection work
Ensure legislation, policies and procedures are understood and followed
Offer advice and guidance on complex cases
Provide challenge and prevent drift
Retain a focus on the child’s voice and experience.
CSAWS Supervision for Attendance Leads, School Attendance and School Welfare Officers:
To support individuals who have responsibility for attendance in school to fulfil their role with confidence
Improving whole school attendance and identifying/responding to poor attendance
Recognising the significant link between safeguarding and poor school attendance
Navigating the legislation, national and local procedures for addressing poor school attendance, removing pupils from roll, Children Missing Education and maintaining registers
Complex case guidance and support
Support to implement change.